Live Your Best Life
Tel: 07971178981
Email: sophie@sophieclarecoaching.co.uk

You may be wondering who I am, so let me tell you a bit about myself.
I’m Sophie Wilkinson BA (Hons) DFSH (HPD) MNCH (reg) AfSFH (reg) CNHC (reg), which basically means I’m trained, qualified and accredited as a solution focussed psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and Coach. I’m also registered with the main Accreditation bodies, and follow their code of ethics so you can be sure my training is kept up to date and I always put my clients at the heart of everything I do.
I’m passionate about mental health and what I like to call ‘mental fitness’. Helping people to feel good about themselves and build the confidence to make changes or follow their dreams, as well as learning strategies to navigate life’s challenges so they build mental fitness in the longer term too.
As an ex Marketing Director with 20+ years working in global companies, I know what it’s like to struggle with overwhelm and chronic stress to the point of panic attacks and burnout, and also know what this does to confidence, self-worth and the relationships around you. It’s a tough road to come back from, and I wish I had been taught earlier how to identify and prioritise my needs, speak up for what I needed, and create a positive and supporting internal dialog too.
As a result, I now love to teach people how to spot risk factors and prevent chronic stress and anxiety, as well as how to deal with it (and step out of it) when it’s consuming your life.
Please feel free to email me at sophie@sophieclarecoaching.co.uk or book at 15 minute intro call using the link below.