Live Your Best Life
Tel: 07971178981
Email: sophie@sophieclarecoaching.co.uk

What is Life Coaching?
Look forward and make that leap!
Forward looking, positive, action orientated
An investment in YOU! You deserve to be happy and fulfilled in life. The law of attraction is based on the idea that we get back what we put out. The more positive you are, the more positive your life will become.
A way to help you achieve goals you’re struggling with, or to establish a vision and set meaningful goals supporting you along the way.
Helping you find the answers within you – even when they seem invisible to you!
Something to look forward to each week – you should come away feeling excited and energised.

How does coaching work?
It's your time
By laser listening – a great coach will pick up on subtleties you are unlikely to have noticed and get you thinking!
By asking thought provoking, probing questions which challenge you to explore your goals, thoughts and perceptions on things
By allowing you to share your thoughts with someone who won’t judge you, offering you a safe space to talk things through
By helping you explore barriers and find practical ways to overcome them
By being creative with questions and tips/tools you can use/implement which help you move things forward
By offering you support along the way, someone to check in with, be accountable to but most importantly to cheerlead you along with no hidden agenda. Just the desire to see you achieve your dreams.

Why Coach with me?
Trust and Commitment
Ultimately, I’m a great listener, I’m open minded and enjoy asking probing questions and get you thinking and doing!
I’ve experienced a busy successful career in Blue Chip companies with a big job and a young family – so I know the challenges many face first hand
I’m very passionate about helping people find joy in life – and gain perspective. Its so easy to focus only on one aspect of life such as career or weight loss and find yourself lost in other ways like family, or life purpose.
I’ve overcome many challenges over the years, from living abroad, getting promoted, changing careers, making new friends in a new town, losing 3 stone and now setting up my own business, so I know what it’s like to set goals and how to achieve them
And finally, I know Life Coaching works. I experienced it first hand after a period of feeling lost, stressed and exhausted and have turned my life around – so I know you can too!